Our Leadership

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image of man taking great photo while on African safari for Wildlife photo book

Todd Gustafson

Founder, Senior Photographer & Film Editor

Todd Gustafson has been photographing nature, wildlife, and natural history around the world for the last two decades. Capturing beautiful light on intriguing subjects – in an artistic way – at the decisive moment – is his continuous personal goal. He has led photographic safaris all across the globe, including Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar, Madagascar, India, England, Scotland, Ireland, Brazil, and Namibia…

image of man taking great photo while on African safari for Wildlife photo book


Anders Gustafson

Cinematographer, Live Sound Technician & Assistant Film Editor
photo of wildlife photographer for conservation photos


Gary Fry

Orchestrator & Conductor
photo of conservation photographer of wildlife book series


Jo Ann Daugherty

Music & Mix Supervisor
image of musician as part of Africa wildlife film


Ryan Bennett

image of musician as part of Africa wildlife film


Fred Breitberg

Mix & Mastering Engineer
How You Can Help

Your donations are an investment in continuing the development of compelling materials that will inspire more to become leaders in our quest to preserve our vanishing wildlife and habitat for future generations.

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