To The Ends of The Earth Conservation Initiative, NFP
Our Story – Life Focused on Wildlife and Art
It began with a boy and his family in East Africa…
Todd’s journey was inspired by his father, who took him and his family to Tanzania during Todd’s formative years to help build a school and teach. These years imprinted on Todd the wonders of nature, its value to humanity and the planet, and the call for preservation.
Todd’s passion for nature led him to a life of photography and filmmaking. He became internationally renowned for his exceptional work as a wildlife photographer, filmmaker, and conservationist.
Todd’s Inspiration Led to Creating Wildlife Experiences …
Todd combined his incredible photography skills with his commitment to introducing others to the wildlife and habitat he loves dearly. In keeping with our mission, he created Gustafson Photo Safaris in 2000. These wildlife safaris actively expose people to experiences that change their view of our vulnerable natural world. “See available wildlife experiences”
Years of Photographing Wildlife Led to Publishing Artistic Photobooks …
Todd turned his world-class photography collection into a 3-volume artistic wildlife portfolio. To The Ends of The Earth has been hailed as the most exceptional since the Audubon Folios in the 1800’s. His books have been purchased by museums, libraries, and preservationists across the globe. “Learn more about To the Ends of the Earth 3-volume Book Set”
“With these books, you have the power to change hearts and minds and make this a better world.” His Holiness, Pope Francis
Todd’s Books Led to Artful Documentaries Narrated by Jane Goodall…
Todd created his first wildlife documentary for PBS in 2015. “To the Ends of the Earth, East Africa” became the first of a 5-part series dedicated to educating the world about the need to preserve our planet’s vanishing wildlife and habitat. “See All To the Ends of the Earth Documentaries”
“Todd Gustafson’s images in To the Ends of the Earth reflect and celebrate the living world. But they imply a kind of heartbreak for a living world so vitally unaware of how imperiled it is.” Carl Safina, ecologist and author.
And Now Todd Invites You to Join the Conversation…
To The Ends of the Earth, a not-for-profit organization (NFP) created in 2024, is the latest development in Todd Gustafson’s decades-long efforts to preserve our world’s vanishing wildlife and habitats.
Our Vision: Our hope is that we will live in a world where everyone is so aware of the beauty, value, and vulnerability of the Earth’s wildlife and their habitat that they all take action to enjoy and preserve both for future generations.
Your Impact: Each person who engages with To the Ends of the Earth increases the activity and momentum of its invaluable preservation efforts. Join us and become part of the solution.
A Call to Action
Watch Our Videos, Read Our Books, View Our Gallery -
Watch Todd’s award-winning videos, read his collectors’ edition photo books, and view his award-winning wildlife photography. Be inspired by our art and vision. Become a part of the solution.
Join Our Conversation -
Be part of a concerted worldwide advocacy group; get regular updates on To The Ends of the Earth activities; weigh in on advocacy issues; host a Wildlife Preservation Event
Travel Our Endangered Planet With Todd -
Safely visit the endangered habitats of our delicate planet to see firsthand the world's amazing creatures.
Invest in Our Art -
Invest in the art, the stories, and the future of our irreplaceable wildlife and their habitat. Each video, book, or photo purchased financially supports creating more art, more impact, and more preservation.
Help Underwrite Our Mission -
Make a direct donation to help create visual stories that educate and motivate people to conserve our wildlife habitats for future generations.
How You Can Help
Your contributions are an investment in continuing the development of compelling materials that will inspire more to become leaders in our quest to preserve our vanishing wildlife and habitat for future generations.